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- Disrupt NY's Hackathon API Workshops To Feature AWS, Box, Evernote, Facebook, Foursquare And The NYT
Disrupt NY's Hackathon API Workshops To Feature AWS, Box, Evernote, Facebook, Foursquare And The NYT
Hackathons are to developers what state championship games are to high school quarterbacks. The pressure is on, time is running out, and in the case of the Disrupt NY Hackathon, there’s never been a better audience of peers, judges, and media to impress.
That’s why we’re incredibly lucky to have some of the best platforms in the industry coming to New York to run workshops on how you can stand on the shoulders of their giant APIs and build something truly awesome.
More Hackathon spots are now available. Register here.
If you participate in the Hackathon (that is – you make a hack and present it on stage), you’re granted a general admission ticket to Disrupt. Yep, the same one that costs $2,995 and gives you access to all three days of Disrupt and the after parties.
We have a full roster of API sponsors and partners putting up a large number of prizes for the Disrupt NY Hackathon. They include: Microsoft BizSpark, Wrigley Energy Gum, Box, CrunchBase, Exadel Appery.io, GM OnStar, Microsoft SkyDrive, NewAer, Pearson, Samsung, Visa, Yammer and Volusion.
Our sponsors help make Disrupt happen. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team here sponsors@techcrunch.com.
Amazon Web Services
Amazon developers will be on hand to demonstrate how to leverage and simplify using AWS. More info can be found here.
Go beyond storing files with the Box API. Our API provides access to all of the file management, collaboration, and sharing features used and loved by over 92% of the Fortune 500.
Our workshop will introduce developers to the Box API and show them how to take advantage of several of our most popular endpoints, including social features such as commenting, collaborating, and liking as well as enterprise-level features like user event logging and user management. Attendees will get to see a live Box API application built from scratch. Beta access to several exciting, new APIs will also be provided to attendees of the workshop.
Want to develop an app with the power to never forget? Join Karolyn from Evernote to get first hand advice, hints and tips on how to use the Evernote Cloud API. With the Cloud API, your application can create, search, read, update and delete notes, which of course are then synchronized across all devices the user has connected to Evernote. When you access the Local API, your application is interacting with a local Evernote client such as Evernote for Mac or Evernote for Android – awesome for pulling in someone’s digital brain and mashing it up with other services to create a personally relevant, rich and insightful app with ease.
Facebook’s new mobile SDKs make it easier than ever for app developers to implement social features directly into their apps. To learn and get your tough questions answered, join Bear as he and Fred, Abhinav, and Sarah get hands-on and help you leverage the world’s most popular mobile app.
Join New York’s favorite startup, Foursquare, as they share insights on how to leverage their powerful API and deep data set to make your hack location aware. David from Foursquare will be joined by Akshay, Anna and Marcie to show you how to integrate with Foursquare’s API to access to all of the data used by the Foursquare mobile applications, and, in some cases, even more. Your users can check in, view their history, see where their friends are, create tips and lists, search for and learn more about venues, and access specials and recommendations.
The New York Times
Imagine having all the news that’s fit to print available at your fingertips! That’s what the recently released The New York Times’ APIs gives developers, providing easy access to the Time’s archives of high quality information. Join James from the New York Times Company and learn how easy it is to access, search and distribute Times content. Including articles back to 1981, over a dozen APIs provide rich access to content including Best Sellers, Movie Reviews, Real Estate and the Semantic API for Times tags and topics.