Posted by : Brij Bhushan Sunday, 21 April 2013


It’s not often that a guest post on TechCrunch turns into a startup Earlier this year, Googler Aditya Mahesh published a guest post on TechCrunch, which addressed what skills business students should take the time to learn before they start working in tech. As he writes, he wishes he had learned certain skills before entering the workforce at Google, such as Excel, basic HTML/CSS, web analytics, Photoshop, iMovie and other skills that he believes make you more valuable as a non-technical employee, even if you don’t have a CS degree.

The genesis of this guest post ended up being an actual startup. Mahesh teamed up with fellow Googler Saleh Altayyar to launch to actually help professionals find online courses for some of the skills they may need. Mahesh and Altayyar talked to fellow Googlers as well as employees at Facebook, Twitter, Cisco and more to figure out what skills are needed to succeed in Business Development, PR, Marketing, HR, and other non-technical areas.

The team then found free online courses covering these skills and ranked them based on quality and breadth. Users can use the site to not only identify the skills they need to learn, but also actually learn the skills online.

Check out our video above with Mahesh for more.

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