Posted by : Brij Bhushan Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Today, I have to say goodbye to my current home, TechCrunch. I’ve not only gotten the opportunity to work with this amazing team as a writer and Community Director, but I’ve been able to enjoy it as a reader since June 11th, 2005. I’ll continue to be a reader.

Thus, with every goodbye, comes a hello. I’m proud to announce that in the next few weeks I’ll be going to a company that I’m really excited about, Yahoo! There is a lot happening there, and the opportunity to work on Marissa Mayer’s corporate communications team was too good to pass up. I believe that there are things, yes, purple things, coming out of Sunnyvale that will excite people in every corner of the world.

Writing about technology has always been a happy accident for me. I’ve been obsessed with technology since I was twelve years old, never focusing on one specific area. I tried being a programmer, but I was too overly protective of my work to ever ship a line of code. Therefore, I’ve done just about everything else but that.

The goodbye part is difficult, but I feel like I’m leaving at the top of my game. Never in a million years did I think that I’d be publishing my thoughts on one of the top tech blogs on the Internet, TechCrunch. Every single time that I hit the publish button, I got butterflies in my stomach, because I know that I was able to help bring you interesting news and facts about companies that you, the readers, follow. I was able to be a part of a team that wants to help advance technology by informing all of you on what’s hot.

To me, reading about a company on TechCrunch has always felt like hearing a new band on the radio. You knew that behind the scenes there were people who heard everything about every company known to man, but the news that got to the front page of the site was special. Being a part of that process will be something that I miss.

Now I get to be back “behind the music,” seeing everything as it happens and making sure that everyone knows about it…this time, I get to focus on Yahoo! It won’t be boring, I promise you that.

Without getting ridiculously mushy, I’d like to thank the entire team at TechCrunch, especially our amazing co-editors Alexia Tsotsis and Eric Eldon. When I came to TechCrunch, a lot of people asked me “Why would you do that?” I imagine that I’ll get a similar response from the same people with this move to Yahoo, but I’ll answer it the same way: “You’ll see.” In TechCrunch’s case, they saw. It’s been an awesome ride.

Since it wouldn’t be TechCrunch without some type of conflicts, perceived or real, it’s safe to say that this serves as my disclosure. I’ll keep disclosing in posts where I’m conflicted over the next two weeks, because yeah, I’m going into PR at Yahoo. I’ll see what I can do about the exclamation mark.

Thank you TechCrunch readers and commenters, you’ve always made everything more interesting.

There goes those butterflies again.


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