Posted by : Brij Bhushan Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Ben Milne StartupLab 520x245 Tomorrow on TNW: Your chance to ask Dwollas founder Ben Milne your entrepreneurship questions

Streaming live on The Next Web, Dwolla founder Ben Milne will answer questions from readers at 3 pm ET (12 pm PT, 7pm UTC, 8pm BST, 9pm CEST) Thursday, May 30th. As part of the Young Entrepreneur Council’s #StartupLab initiative, a virtual mentorship program, Ben will appear live via video chat broadcast on this site.

Ben Milne is CEO and founder of Dwolla, a completely new payment that system that’s fixes the underlying inefficiencies, hazards, and fraud encumbering current options. A repeat entrepreneur, Ben built his first international company at the age of 19, turning a $1,200 investment into a multi-million dollar company with oversea operations and clients, including Toyota and Ford.

Having become “obsessed” with the fees and limitations of traditional card networks, Ben left the company in 2008 to focus full-time on redesigning the US payments system. For his work, he was noted by Forbes and Inc. Magazine’s in their annual 30 Under 30 publications in 2012.

#StartupLab is a free virtual mentorship program created by The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of hundreds of America’s most successful young entrepreneurs. #StartupLab takes YEC’s mission to help more people start successful businesses to the next level by offering millions of entrepreneurs direct access to YEC members through interactive video chats, email lessons and a library of how-to articles, videos and eBooks. Whether you’re just starting up, a current business owner, or you run an organization that supports entrepreneurs, sign up for #StartupLab today for real-world advice from some of the coolest entrepreneurs on the planet.

Check The Next Web tomorrow afternoon at 3 pm ET (12 pm PT, 7pm UTC, 8pm BST, 9pm CEST), when Ben will answer questions from the audience live via video chat.

Photo courtesy of Ben Milne.

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