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- This neat (but dangerous) Tesla hack lets you play movies on center display
Posted by : Brij Bhushan
Sunday, 24 April 2016
A clever hacker has installed a Linux-based system on their Tesla, and is using the center display as a media center. Going only by ‘Hemera,’ the hacker has detailed just how they sidestepped the stock Tesla OS. Using Gentoo, Hemera made the modifications after gaining root access to the car: Some details, this is running a Gentoo arm system, cross-compiled using a qemu-user chroot environment. Yes, that’s right, Gentoo, running on a Tesla. All those USE flags, CFLAGS, and optimizations are going to add speed to my car. My 5 second 0-60 will be faster than your 5 second 0-60!…
This story continues at The Next Web